Information required for offshore company registration
(1) Company name requires selecting a unique company name
(2) A legal registered address is required for registration
(3) The company's articles of association need to clarify the company's business scope, capital structure, shareholder equity, etc
(4) Shareholders' information needs to provide their name, address, nationality, etc
(5) Director information needs to provide the name, address, nationality, etc. of the director
(6) The company secretary needs to designate a company secretary responsible for managing the company's documents and records
(7) If there are multiple shareholders in the shareholder agreement, they need to sign a shareholder agreement to clarify their respective rights and responsibilities
(8) The appointment letter of the director needs to be provided
(9) Other documents may need to be provided according to different registration locations and types, such as identity documents, bank certificates, etc. Overall, there are relatively few materials required to register an offshore company. However, it should be noted that different registration locations and types may have different requirements, and it is necessary to carefully understand and prepare them