Opening an account at Chouzhou Bank accepts global company accounts. Except for Iraq and North Korea, any money that can be transferred from any country can be collected. Companies from any country do not need affiliated companies to open an account.
Hong Kong company account opening provides: registration certificate, business registration certificate, NNC1 (within one year), annual declaration form (over one year), copy of legal person ID card, one copy on each side, stamped with the small round seal, these scanned copies, and application for code assignment.
Opening time for Hong Kong companies: It takes 1 week to apply for code assignment. Once the application is completed, customers can make an appointment to open an account and sign the account on the same day.
Overseas company account opening provides:
BVI: Certificate of Registration, Director's Declaration, Certificate of Incumbency, Certificate of Good Standing (over one year), Copy of Legal Person ID Card, one copy on each side, stamped with a small round seal.
UK: Registration certificate, director declaration, registered agent certificate, IN01 document (within one year), CS01 document (over one year), copy of corporate identity card, one copy on each side, stamped with a small round seal.
Seychelles: Registration certificate, director's declaration, company incumbency certificate, certificate of good existence (more than one year), copy of legal person ID card, one copy on each side, stamped with a small round seal.
Marshall: Registration certificate, first director's letter, registered agent's certificate, endorsement certificate, certificate of good standing (more than one year), copy of legal person's ID card, one copy on each side, stamped with a small round seal.
Singapore: A copy of the company registration certificate, equity certificate registration paper, and legal person ID card, with one copy on each side and a small round seal affixed.
The opening time for Hong Kong and overseas companies is the same, and the account will be opened on the day of face-to-face signing.